Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Sitting in the library right now. I should be working on the take home final that is due tomorrow morning at 9:00 am. I decided to try and find anything I could do to avoid having to work on the take home final. I am half way done so do not freak out that I have not started yet, because I have. I really do not have that much more to go but for some reason I just need to take a break and do something different, hence this blog post.

Finals week is the most ridiculous thing I have even heard of in my life. Personally, I am not a fan of testing and it is probably because I am not a good test taker. Give me a 30 page project about how I am going to run my classroom and I will rock it, but give me a 10 question multiple choice test and I bomb every time. I think its just a way for a professor to laugh at us and say, "HA! you though you had an A but now you have a C," oh well...

I finally sent out my Secret swap partner package, a little late but I made it in time for it to get there before Christmas and I am so excited to see what my swap partner thinks of it. I cannot wait to receive my package either, hopefully I will receive one. I think my worst fear is that I am going to end up with the partner that does not send me anything I end up with the short end of the stick. Fingers crossed I will be posting a new blog when the package gets here.

I have also decided that for the year of 2011 I am going to follow a new years resolution. I have never really made one that I have followed, let alone made an actual resolution. I am not a runner but I have always wanted to be one, so I decided that I am going to walk/job/run a 5K every month in the year of 2011. So hopefully this time next year I will be talking about all the 5Ks that I did during the year 2011. I talked to my roommates and they are all on board and want to join me in my endeavor and I am super excited.

I better get back to this take home final before I end up in the library way past my already late bed time, until next time....