Sunday, January 17, 2010

Over and Over and Over Again!

As I write this I am exhausted!!

I just spent a weekend with a group of high school students at my church on a weekend retreat and one thing I have learned about high schoolers, is that they do not appreciate the value of sleep at all.

With that being said since the last time I wrote I started a scarf that I am working on for my roomate about 6 times. Everytime I would get a couple of rows in and realize that I dropped a couple of stitches and I get so stubborn that I just take it out and re-do it. Thanks in much help to my friend who taught me to knit I didn't have to re-do the scar for the 7th time as she helped fix a drop (which I need to learn really soon) and I am well on my way to a beautiful scarf for my roomate.

The other project that I am working on at this moment is a beanie for a friend of a friend who saw me knitting and said hey would you like to make me a beanie and i said sure. So here I am making a beanie for someone I met twice but hey it gives me a reason to try out a new pattern from the lovely ravelry database.

Thats all for to more adventures

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Jump into the Online World

As I start this adventure into knitting and blogging at the same time, I sit here and wonder how I actually have this much time to do both.

I am a young college student who on top of taking many classes, serving in two ministries, and working part time at a local chain fast food restaurant, still manages to fit in time to knit beautiful items and type to the cyberworld.

I started knitting only two months ago from a friend who lives in the same dorm room and was willing to be my noble teacher and I figured out a way to learn to knit left handed. As soon as I eventually got the hang of it, I realized how much this made me happy. I was all of a sudden thrusted into the world of knitting and no longer was it just known as needles and yarn it became bamboo, aluminum, aplaca, acrylic, blocking, and a lot more.

I feel we are a lucky generation to have the cyberworld at our fingertips, to do and find anything we like. I was introduced to a knitting community where I was able to explore the countless opportunities that knitting could bring me.

I have now since starting two months ago completed 6 scarves and 1 hat. I search the database on ravelry often to find new things to knit for friends or even strangers who ask me to knit for them.